Friday, December 22, 2006

Most Beautiful Landing Ever

Ahhh... Finally home. I usually don't like flying, I'll be honest. I get motion sickness very easily, but I loaded myself up on ginger ale at the airport, and it seemed to help a bit. The ride turned out to be quite lovely. As we were nearing Minneapolis I looked outside and it was amazing. The stars were wonderfully bright in the dark sky and they lit up the clouds below just enough to make it look like an ocean of cotten candy. Then as we descended below the clouds it was like miniature world with all the lights from the city. Really very, very pretty.


Unknown said...

Sigh... I love your descriptions. If I was flying into the North Pole (and Santa really had a workshop there) I imagine it would be just like you described.... I bet you can't wait to land back in Salt Lake, land of Winter Haze, Lake Inversion & Grayish-Brown Skies....

Allie said...

Yes, sometimes when you get used to flying you forget how beautiful it can be, and it totally surprises you...

Happy Christmas!


janers said...

SANTA REALLY DOES HAVE A WORKSHOP! Seriously dont believe? But I do agree with the Lake Inversion problem-o. I am glad to see that you landed safely, I am also VERY glad to see continual posts on this site, so that I KNOW you weren't killed by your "near death ride home." Glad your still kickin!