Friday, February 06, 2009

I Found Your Boyfriend

I like to play a game called "I found your boyfriend" with family and friends. Since we're all friends too, I thought I'd extend this game to the internet. Dear internet, I found your boyfriend. Enjoy!


Samantha said...

I think that this one is the winner for sure. He beats out all the others throughout the years.

Sarakastic said...

It's about time, I've been looking forever!

Lara said...

Wow! Man of my dreams!! What in the world was he doing?

Stacy said...

You are hysterical. I may borrow that game.

My word verification is "ingracy," which seems like the emotional reaction to being caught on that guy's arm.

heidikins said...


There just are so many ways to respond to this, and not enough words to describe it. Sigh. Life is full of cruel ironies.


PS my word verification is trubbi...which is probably the description of this man's overhanging flab, he's just a little trubbi. ;o)

Travis Erwin said...

What about me a girlfriend?

LEstes65 said...

That's not my boyfriend. That's my NEXT HUSBAND!!! Did you give him my address and phone number????

j said...

Travis - I'll have to keep an eye out for you girlfriend :)

Lynette - You bet I did! You should wait by the phone for his call!

Allie said...

Haha, poor guy... that's hilarious.