Hi, My Name is Jennie, and I'm an Eavesdropper
Don't you hate it when you hear people talking about an interesting topic and you want to jump into it, but you don't know them and that'd just be weird. I do. Anyway, these people were talking about how books are always better than the movie and I wanted to jump in and say that every once in a while a movie is better than the book. Not often, but sometimes. For me that movie is Sense and Sensibility. Emma Thomson's screenplay is flawless, beautiful, and true to the Austen spirit. Are there any movies you think are better than it's literary counterpart?
Emma. I didn't care for the book, but the movie is good. It's kinda sad to be picking on Austen like this; she really is a terrific writer.
And Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.
I thought The Count of Monte Cristo was better as a movie, the book had a totally different feel, and I like the ending A LOT more in the movie.
Id have to agree about Harry Potter..but not just the Order of the Phoenix. I enjoy the movies, but don't care for any the books.
Hows life in the great white north? We miss you down here.
Princess Bride. Ohhhh the movie is SO much better. Book... lame. Though it's kinda cool to read all those forever ago memorized lines in your head "My name is Indigo Montoya... you killed my father..."
I choose not to discuss Harry Potter. It's sicks someone thinks the movie is better. What's the matter with you?
Seriously? OotP the book is so jumbled and confused. The movie improves on the story so much. While the movies had been getting progressively worse, they seem to have gotten more sophisticated (by children's action movie standards) with OotP.
I was also thinking that I enjoy the Legend of the Seeker TV series a tiny bit more than I enjoyed Wizard's First Rule. Though the series wouldn't make sense if I hadn't read the book first.
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